The Quality Texas Foundation Regional Program offers a Continuous Improvement Certification (CIC).
Learn about proven strategies for both organizational and personal success in the workplace by using the National Malcolm Baldrige Excellence Framework and engaging in case studies of successful organizations. Receive the latest information about organizational and personal improvement from the Harvard Business Review and the Sloan MIT Management Review along with a variety of sources to include continuous improvement books, articles, and websites. Build self-awareness, improve writing skills, enhance critical thinking skills, and be immersed in best business practices. At the conclusion of the training, participants should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the Baldrige Excellence Framework, and implement strategies for understanding the present status of their organization from the perspective of Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Service, Information Analysis/Knowledge Management, Workforce Engagement, Process Management, and Results.
Process | Eligibility Requirements |
Step 1 | Notify QTFRP of your interest in the CIC Program. Register and complete three full days of Organizational Leadership Examiner Training. |
Step 2 | Volunteer to be assigned to serve on an Award Level application team. (Priority assignments will be given to more senior Examiners.) |
Step 3 | Complete both the Independent Analysis and Consolidation within the allotted time frames established by QTFRP. |
Step 4 | Attend and complete all requirements of the scheduled Site Visit throughout its entire duration. (QTFRP will verify with Site Visit Team Leader that all Site Visit requirements have been successfully met.) |
Step 5 | QTFRP will provide the participant’s Continuous Improvement Certificate. The certification is valid for 1 year, and the participant is recognized during the Annual Quality Texas Foundation Regional Award Recognition Conference. |
For more information contact:
Brooks Williams –
Virginia Williams –