Examiner Benefits
Our Examiners are trained in the latest information about the Baldrige Framework, how to incorporate changes, how to implement continuous improvement efforts, how to be an Internal Coach, and are given a host of ideas on how to maximize their individual contributions at their respective organizations.
Additional benefits include
- Intensive training regarding the World Class Baldrige Criteria and how to apply it
- How to become an Internal Coach and support the organization at a higher level
- Tremendous networking opportunities with other individuals and organizations who dramatically want to improve their bottom line
- Benchmarking opportunities with other organizations further along the Baldrige journey
- Insights on how to improve leadership, strategic planning, customer/patient/student satisfaction, information management, workforce development, and process improvement in the operational areas
- A contributing member to helping our communities, the state, and our country by assisting organizations (patriotism)
- An addition to their resume and their brand with your organization
- Increased awareness of how to improve their own organization
- Potential Continuous Improvement Certification (CIC) from the University of Texas El Paso
Employer Benefits
Our Examiners come back from training refreshed and able to see their organization in a different light. They are given opportunities to lead, follow, build consensus, and are taught the importance of self-discipline. They are also instructed on how to become an Internal Coach or Consultant to their respective leader.
Additional benefits include
- An employee who understands the necessity of continuous improvement in their workplace
- A new network of dedicated individuals that can be tapped to gain greater insight on how other organizations approach their problems
- An employee with a great new network for support
- An employee that is taught best practices
- An employee that understand the importance of consensus building
- A better understanding of the importance of listening to others
- Overall an employee that is better for attending the training
- Lastly, some say that becoming an Examiner is like gaining a short MBA, or a refreshed MBA